Tuesday 25 November 2014

Hong Kong 'Ho Ho Sek'

Date of Visit: 12-15 July 2014

A very belated post, but I thought I should still share the goodies we had the privilege of trying when we went to Hong Kong over this summer.

Day One

Woke up bright and early to take our 9.30am flight to HK!!!  Was so excited and still packing away the night before so I slept really late, but that didn't stop me from waking up early.  This post comes really late but I hope the photos and rusty recollections will still do the trip justice!

I will miss trying to scramble away from the HK water dripping from goodness-knows-where and just feeling absolutely pleased that I was in foodie heaven.  From the cheap to the expensive, everything was simply sublime and every meal had me beaming with happiness even if it was something as simple as scrambled eggs or wanton mee.  Needless to say, the cheap prices made it easy on the wallet and was a great bonus.